Last Updated :2024/09/11


  • 医学博士, 九州大学

Research Keyword

  • 情動
  • pain
  • anterior cingulate cortex
  • Synaptic transmission
  • synaptic plasticity
  • patch-clamp recording

Field Of Study

  • Life sciences, Anesthesiology
  • Life sciences, Clinical pharmacy
  • Life sciences, Physiology


  • Dec. 2020 - Present
    兵庫医科大学 生理学 神経生理部門, (准教授)
  • Apr. 2017 - Nov. 2020
    Hyogo College of Medicine, Neurophysiology, Lecturer
  • Jun. 2015 - Mar. 2017
    Hirosaki University, Neurophysiology, Assistant Professor
  • Apr. 2011 - May 2015
    Fragile X Research Foundation of Canada, (Medical Research Fellow)
  • Apr. 2009 - May 2015
    University of Toronto, Physiology, Postdoctoral fellow
  • Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2009
    Kumamoto Health Science University, Rehabilitation, Postdoctoral fellow
  • Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2008
    Kyushu Univiersity, Integrative Physiology, Postdoctoral fellow
  • Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2008
    日本学術振興会特別研究員, (DC2, PD)

Educational Background

  • Apr. 2003 - Mar. 2007, Kyushu University, Integrative Physiology, Ph.D student
  • Apr. 2001 - Mar. 2003, Fukuoka University, 薬学研究院生体機能制御学, MS student
  • Apr. 1997 - Mar. 2001, Fukuoka University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 製薬化学科

Member History

  • Sep. 2018 - Present
    世話人, 神経行動薬理若手研究者の集い
  • Apr. 2017 - Present
    Editorial board, Molecular Pain


  • Apr. 2018
    公益財団法人 ひょうご科学技術協会, ひょうご科学技術賞
  • Jul. 2016
    第11回 青森神経科学談話会, 奨励賞
  • Apr. 2016
    文部科学省, H28年度 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞
  • Jul. 2013
    The 8th International conference for Neuron and Brain Diseases, 1st prize
    Presynaptic long term potentiation in the cingulate cortex.
    KOGA, Kohei
  • Oct. 2008
    第59回 西日本生理学会九州支部会, 日本生理学会九州奨励賞
    In vivoパッチクランプ記録法を用いたラット一次体性感覚野における痛覚応答の解析
  • Nov. 2005
    The 5th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium of Brain Sciences, and Cardiac and Smooth Muscles, Silver Prize
    Aspirin inhibits noxious transmission from periphery to the spinal cord in inflamed and naïve rats.
    KOGA, Kohei



Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 前帯状回のシナプス前終末における長期増強の形成と不安様行動               
    第27回 神経行動薬理若手研究者の集い, Jun. 2018
  • Functional roles of presynaptic long-term potentiation in the anterior cingulate cortex for pain and anxiety.               
    Koga K
    第40回 日本疼痛学会, Jun. 2018
  • The ubiquitin proteasome system regulates presynaptic long-term potentiation in the anterior cingulate cortex.               
    第95回 日本生理学会大会, Mar. 2018
  • Cingulate presynaptic long-term potentiation contributes to chronic pain induced anxiety               
    Koga K; Yamada A; Furue H; Zhuo M
    第44回 日本脳科学会, Oct. 2017
  • Presynaptic long term plasticity in the anterior cingulate cortex for chronic pain induced anxiety               
    Koga K; Zhuo M
    The 6th Asian Pain Symposium (APS2015), Nov. 2015

Research Themes