Last Updated :2024/09/11


  • 博士(医学), 大阪大学

Research Keyword

  • インターロイキン 生活習慣病
  • 悪性中皮腫
  • 転写因子
  • 遺伝子改変

Field Of Study

  • Life sciences, Medical biochemistry
  • Life sciences, Developmental biology
  • Life sciences, Cell biology
  • Life sciences, Molecular biology


  • 〔Major achievements〕Interleukin-18 Can Induce Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Expression in Brown Adipose Tissue.               
    Xu Y; Yamanishi K; Hata M; Li W; Okamura H; Tomita M; Yamamoto H
    ACTA MEDICA HYOGOENSIA, 2016, [Reviewed]
  • Genetic analysis of genes causing hypertension and stroke in spontaneously hypertensive rats: Gene expression profiles in the kidneys.               
    Watanabe Y; Yoshida M; Yamanishi K; Yamamoto H; Okuzaki D; Nojima H; Yasunaga T; Okamura H; Matsunaga H; Yamanishi H
    Int J Mol Med., 2015, [Reviewed]
  • Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha is a key factor related to depression and physiological homeostasis in the mouse brain.               
    Yamanishi K; Doe N; Sumida M; Watanabe Y; Yoshida M; Yamamoto H; Xu Y; Li W; Yamanishi H; Okamura H; Matsunaga H
    PLoS One., 2015, [Reviewed]
  • Chymase inhibition improves vascular dysfunction and survival in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats.               
    Takai S; Jin D; Chen H; Li W; Yamamoto H; Yamanishi K; Miyazaki M; Higashino H; Yamanishi H; Okamura H
    J Hypertens., 2014, [Reviewed]
  • Analysis of genes causing hypertension and stroke in spontaneously hypertensive rats: gene expression profiles in the brain.               
    Yoshida M; Watanabe Y; Yamanishi K; Yamashita A; Yamamoto H; Okuzaki D; Shimada K; Nojima H; Yasunaga T; Okamura H; Matsunaga H; Yamanishi H
    Int J Mol Med., 2014, [Reviewed]
  • Regulation of development of CD56 bright CD11c+ NK-like cells with helper function by IL-18.               
    Li W; Okuda A; Yamamoto H; Yamanishi K; Terada N; Yamanishi H; Tanaka Y; Okamura H
    PLoS One., 2013, [Reviewed]
  • Genetic analysis of genes causing hypertension and stroke in spontaneously hypertensive rats.               
    Yamamoto H; Okuzaki D; Yamanishi K; Xu Y; Watanabe Y; Yoshida M; Yamashita A; Goto N; Nishiguchi S; Shimada K; Nojima H; Yasunaga T; Okamura H; Matsunaga H; Yamanishi H
    Int J Mol Med., 2013, [Reviewed]
  • Cisplatin-induced acute renal failure in mice is mediated by chymase-activated angiotensin-aldosterone system and interleukin-18.               
    Okui S; Yamamoto H; Li W; Gamachi N; Fujita Y; Kashiwamura S; Miura D; Takai S; Miyazaki M; Urade M; Okamura H; Ueda H
    Eur J Pharmacol., 2012, [Reviewed]
  • Involvement of CD56brightCD11c+ cells in IL-18-mediated expansion of human γδT cells.               
    Tsuda J; Li W; Yamanishi H; Yamamoto H; Okuda A; Kubo S; Ma Z; Terada N; Tanaka Y; Okamura H
    J Immunol., 2011, [Reviewed]
  • Establishment of in vivo fluorescence imaging in mouse models of malignant mesothelioma.               
    Yamaoka N; Kawasaki Y; Xu Y; Yamamoto H; Terada N; Okamura H; Kubo S
    Int. J. Oncol., 2010, [Reviewed]
  • Modulation of innate immunity by IL-18.               
    Li W; Yamamoto H; Kubo S; Okamura H
    J Reprod Immunol, 2009, [Reviewed]
  • Rb is critical in a mammalian tissue stem cell population
    Pamela L. Wenzel; Lizhao Wu; Alain de Bruin; Jean-Leon Chong; Wen-Yi Chen; Geoffrey Dureska; Emily Sites; Tony Pan; Ashish Sharma; Kun Huang; Randall Ridgway; Kishore Mosaliganti; Richard Sharp; Raghu Machiraju; Joel Saltz; Hideyuki Yamamoto; James C. Cross; Michael L. Robinson; Gustavo Leone
    GENES & DEVELOPMENT, Jan. 2007, [Reviewed]
  • Intracellularly transported adenosine induces apoptosis in HuH-7 human hepatoma cells by downregulating c-FLIP expression causing caspase-3/-8 activation.               
    Yang D; Yaguchi T; Yamamoto H; Nishizaki T
    Biochem Pharmacol., 2007, [Reviewed]
  • The linoleic acid derivative DCP-LA ameliorates impairment of learning and memory
    Takahiro Yaguchi; Hideyuki Yamamoto; Hirokazu Fujikawa; Tetsu Nagata; Satoshi Yamamoto; Tomoyuki Nishizaki
  • Beneficial effect of intracellular free high-mannose oligosaccharides on cryopreservation of mammalian cells and proteins
    Kanako Watanabe; Takahiro Yaguchi; Dongqin Yang; Takeshi Kanno; Kaoru Nagai; Satoshi Yamamoto; Hirokazu Fujikawa; Hideyuki Yamamoto; Tetsu Nagata; Chikara Tashiro; Tomoyuki Nishizaki
    CRYOBIOLOGY, Dec. 2006, [Reviewed]
  • A(1) adenosine receptor signal and AMPK involving caspase-9/-3 activation are responsible for adenosine-induced RCR-1 astrocytoma cell death
    Katsunari Sai; Dongqin Yang; Hideyuki Yamamoto; Hirokazu Fujikawa; Satoshi Yamamoto; Tetsu Nagata; Masaru Saito; Takehira Yamamura; Tomoyuki Nishizaki
    NEUROTOXICOLOGY, Jul. 2006, [Reviewed]
  • Modulation of P2X receptors via adrenergic pathways in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons after sciatic nerve injury
    K Maruo; H Yamamoto; S Yamamoto; T Nagata; H Fujikawa; T Kanno; T Yaguchi; S Maruo; S Yoshiya; T Nishizaki
    PAIN, Jan. 2006
  • The newly synthesized linoleic acid derivative DCP-LA selectively activates PKC-epsilon possibly by binding to the phosphatidylserine binding site.               
    Kanno T; Yamamoto H; Yaguchi T; Hi R; Mukasa T; Fujikawa H; Nagata T; Yamamoto S; Tanaka A; Nishizaki T
    J. Lipid Res., 2006, [Reviewed]
  • Linoleic acid derivative DCP-LA improves learning impairment in SAMP8.               
    Yaguchi T; Nagata T; Mukasa T; Fujikawa H; Yamamoto H; Yamamoto S; Iso H; Tanaka A; Nishizaki T
    Neuroreport, 2006, [Reviewed]
  • Bidirectional regulations for glutamate and GABA release in the hippocampus by alpha 7 and non-alpha 7 ACh receptors
    T Kanno; T Yaguchi; S Yamamoto; T Nagata; H Yamamoto; H Fujikawa; T Nishizaki
  • 8-[2-(2-pentyl-cyclopropylmethyl)-cyclopropyl]-octanoic acid stimulates GABA release from interneurons projecting to CA1 pyramidal neurons in the rat hippocampus via pre-synaptic α7 acetylcholine receptors.               
    Kanno T; Yaguchi T; Yamamoto S; Yamamoto H; Fujikawa H; Nagata T; Tanaka A; Nishizaki T
    J.Neurochem, 2005, [Reviewed]
  • A novel marker for Purkinje cells, KIAA0864 protein. An analysis based on a monoclonal antibody HFB-16 in developing human cerebellum.               
    Nakamura Y; Yamamoto M; Oda E; Kanemura Y; Kodama E; Yamamoto A; Yamamoto H; Miyado K; Okano HJ; Fukagawa R; Higaki K; Yamasaki; Okano H
    J.Histochem Cytochem., 2005, [Reviewed]
  • Genes,development and evolution of the placenta.               
    Cross JC; Baczyk D; Dobric N; Hemberger M; Hughes M; Simmons DG; Yamamoto H; Kingdom JC
    Placenta, 2003, [Reviewed]
  • Parp1-deficiency induces differentiation of ES cells into trophoblast derivatives.               
    Hemberger M; Nozaki T; Winterhager E; Yamamoto H; Nakagama H; Kamada N; Suzuki H; Ohta T; Ohki M; Masutani M; Cross JC
    Developmental Biology, 2003, [Reviewed]
  • Expression of Type 2 and Type 3 Ryanodine Receptor/ Ca2+ Release Channel in mice sino-atrial node.               
    Masumiya H; Yamamoto H; Hemberger M; Tanaka H; Shigenobu K; SRW Chen; Furukawa T
    FEBS letters, 2003, [Reviewed]
  • A single Targeted Ets2 Allele Restricts Transgenic Mammary Tumor Development.               
    Neznanov N; Mann A; Yamamoto H; Hauser C; Cardiff R; Oshima RG
    Cancer Research, 1999, [Reviewed]
  • Defective trophoblast function in mice with a targeted mutation of Ets2
    H Yamamoto; ML Flannery; S Kupriyanov; J Pearce; McKercher, SR; GW Henkel; RA Maki; Z Werb; RG Oshima
    GENES & DEVELOPMENT, May 1998, [Reviewed]
  • Methylation of an ETS site in the intron enhancer of the keratin 18 gene participates in tissue-specific repression
    A Umezawa; H Yamamoto; K Rhodes; MJ Klemsz; RA Maki; RG Oshima
  • Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells to Macrophages Requires PU.1 but not Ets-2.               
    Henkel G; McKercher SR; Yamamoto H; Anderson KL; Oshima RG; Maki RA
    Blood, 1996, [Reviewed]
  • Activation of the mouse cytokeratin A (endoA) gene in teratocarcinoma F9 cells by the histone deacetyiase inhibitor Trichostatin A.               
    Miyashita T; Yamamoto H; Nishimune Y; Nozaki M; Morita T; Matsushiro A
    FEBS Letters, 1994, [Reviewed]
  • One of two Ets-biding sites in the cytokeratin EndoA enhancer is essential for enhancer activity and binds to Ets-2 related proteins.               
    Fujimura Y; Yamamoto H; Hamazato F; Nozaki M
    Nuc.Acids Res., 1994, [Reviewed]
  • Analysis of promoter region of the mouse cytokeratin endoA gene.               
    大阪大学医学雑誌, 1993, [Reviewed]
  • A mouse homolog of the Escherichia coli recA and Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD51 genes.               
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 1993, [Reviewed]
  • Identification of differentiation-dependent DNaseI hypersensitive sites of the mouse endoA gene.               
    Morita T, Yoshimura Y, Yamamoto A, Murata K, Mori M, Yamamoto H, Matsushiro A
    Gene, 1993, [Reviewed]
  • Structure and expression of the gene (Tcp-1) encoding mouse t-complex polypeptide 1.               
    Kubota H; Willison K; Ashworth A; Nozaki M; Miyamoto H; Yamamoto H; Matsushiro A; Morita T
    Gene, 1992, [Reviewed]
  • A role for the acrA gene in the protection of Escherichia coli cells against excess sodium.               
    Nakamura H, Yamamoto H, Hirase K, Hase A
    Plant Cell Physiol., 1990, [Reviewed]

Books and other publications

  • 医療系大学生のためのアカデミックリテラシー 第3版               
    紀平知樹; 伊東久男; 賀屋光晴; 後藤伸光; 福田範子; 常見幸; 加藤精一; 津田雅代; 土江伸誉; 上山崎悦代; 芝崎誠司; 西田喜平次; 山本英幸, Joint work, プレゼンテーション
    二瓶社, Mar. 2019
  • Molecilar Medicine臨時増刊号/ノッアウトマウス・データブック               
    Joint work, Ets-2ノックアウトマウスについて
    中山書店, 1998

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • クラスターマルチLEDの照射時間が創傷治癒に及ぼす効果 〜mRNA発現量に着目して〜               
    第25回日本物理療法学会, Oct. 2017
  • 二相性微弱電流刺激における創傷治癒促進効果と増殖因子の関係性               
    第24回日本物理療法学会, Nov. 2016
  • 微弱電流刺激とサプリメントの併用による肥満予防               
    セルフメディケーション推進協議会学術フォーラ ム, 2016
  • 脳卒中易発性高血圧自然発症ラットの血管障害におけるキマーゼの役割               
    高井真司; 金徳男; 陳紅; 李文; 山本英幸; 山西恭輔; 宮崎瑞夫; 岡村春樹
    第124回日本薬理学会近畿部, 2014
  • Interleukin-18 may affect fibroblast growth factor 21 expression in tissue specific manner               
    Yamamoto H; Xu Y; YamanishiK,Li W; Okamatsu Y; Matsunaga H; Saito M; Yamanishi H; Okamura H
    16th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine, Crete, Greece, 2013
  • Molecular analysis of prefrontal cortex in mice exposed to chronic mild stress               
    Yamanishi K; Doe N; Yamamoto H; Xu Y; Matsunaga H; Yamanishi H; Okamura H
    16th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine, Crete, Greece, 2013
  • 脳卒中易発性高血圧自然発症ラットの血管障害および生存期間に対するキマーゼ阻害薬の効果               
    高井真司; 金徳男; 陳紅; 李文; 山本英幸; 山西恭輔; 宮崎瑞夫; 岡村春樹
    第36回日本高血圧学会総会, 2013
  • Apelin-APJ system affects mitochondria function in brown adipocytes               
    Yamanishi K; Yamamoto H; Xu Y; Okamatsu Y; Matsunaga H; Saito M; Yamanishi H; Okamura H
    15th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine, Crete, Greece, 2012
  • Noradrenaline stimulates ATP release from DRG neuron               
    Kanno T; Yaguchi T; Yamamoto H; Nishizaki T
    37th Annual meeting, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2007
  • Identification of a mouse IL-18 receptor alpha isoform that fulfill its function as a membrane-type decoy receptor.               
    Yamamoto H; Jin G; Yaguchi T; Nishizaki T
    37th Annual meeting, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2007
  • アデノシンはミトコンドリア障害/DIABLO発現増大/IAP発現抑制/カスパーゼ-3活性化の経路によりヒトHuH-7肝癌細胞アポトーシスを誘導する               
    楊冬琴; 矢口貴博; 山本英幸; 西崎知之
    第30回日本分子生物学会年会・第80回日本生化学会大会合同大会、横浜, 2007
  • アデノシンはc-FLIP発現低下に起因するカスパーゼ3/8の活性化を通してHuH-7細胞アポトーシスを誘導する               
    第66回日本癌学会学術総会、横浜, 2007
  • アデノシンはカスパーゼ3/8/9の活性化ならびにp53の発現誘導によりHepG2細胞アポトーシスを誘導する               
    第66回日本癌学会学術総会、横浜, 2007
  • リノール酸誘導体DCP-LAは学習・記憶障害を改善する               
    第50回日本神経化学会大会、神奈川, 2007
  • アデノシンによって誘導されるHuH-7肝癌細胞アポトーシス誘導経路               
    第16回日本アポトーシス研究会学術集会、千葉, 2007
  • リノール酸誘導体DCP-LAは学習・記憶を改善する               
    第127回日本薬学会、富山, 2007
  • The linoleic acid derivative DCP-LA ameliorates impairment of learning and memory.               
    矢口貴博; 山本英幸; 藤川浩一; 永田徹; 山本悟史; 西崎知之
    第80回日本薬理学会・年会優秀発表賞ミニシンポジウム、名古屋, 2006
  • Adenosine induces apoptosis in HuH-7 human hepatoma cells by tuning expression of multiple regulatory molecules relevant to caspase activation.               
    Yang D, Yaguchi T, Yamamoto H, Nishizaki T.
    日本分子生物学会2006フォーラム、名古屋, 2006
  • The Linoleic Acid Derivative FR236924 Selectively and Directly Activates PKC-εby Binding to Phosphatidyl-serine Binding Site.               
    Yamamoto H; Yamamoto S; Kanno T; Nagata T; Yaguchi T; Tanaka A; Nishizaki T
    34th Annual meeting, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2004
  • ヒト胎児脳由来神経幹細胞ニューロスフェアからの熟成オリゴデンドロサイトのin vitro作製               
    徳元康人、山本英幸、藤川浩一、小林哲、Omedul Islam、小川拓、金村米博、三宅淳
    第3回日本再生医療学会、千葉, 2004
  • 脳血管攣縮におけるチロシンキナーゼ系情報伝達路の活性化と細胞内Ca2+放出について               
    藤川浩一; 佐藤元彦; 横田正幸; 山本英幸; 徳元康人; 金村米博; 三宅淳
    第20回スパズム・シンポジウム、名古屋, 2004
  • Defective Trophoblast Function in Mice with a Targeted Mutation of Ets2.               
    Yamamoto H; Oshima RG
    14th Annual Meeting on Oncogenes, San Diego, USA, 1998
  • Defective Trophoblast Function in Mice with a Targeted Mutation of Ets2.               
    Yamamoto H; Flannery M; Kupriyanov S; Pearce J; McKercher S; Henkel G; Maki A; Werb Z; Oshima RG
    Mouse Molecular Genetics, Cold Spring Harbor, USA, 1998
  • A single Targeted Ets2 Allele Restricts Transgenic Mammary Tumor Development.               
    Neznanov N; Mann A; Yamamoto H; Hauser C; Oshima RG
    California Breast Cancer Research Symposium, Sacrament, USA, 1997
  • Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells to Macrophages Requires PU.1 but not Ets-2.               
    Yamamoto H; McKercher S; Henkel G; Maki R; Oshima RG
    Mouse Molecular Genetics, Cold Spring Harbor, USA, 1996


  • Apr. 2022 - Present
    兵庫医科大学 リハビリテーション学部
  • Apr. 2022 - Present
    兵庫医科大学 看護学部
  • Apr. 2022 - Present
    兵庫医科大学 リハビリテーション学部
  • Apr. 2022 - Present
    兵庫医科大学 薬学・看護・リハビリテーション学部
  • Apr. 2022 - Present
    兵庫医科大 リハビリテーション学部
  • Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2022
    兵庫医療大学 薬学・看護・リハビリテーション学部
  • Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2022
    兵庫医療大学 リハビリテーション学部
  • Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2022
    兵庫医療大学 看護学部
  • Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2022
    兵庫医療大学 リハビリテーション学部
  • Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2022
    兵庫医療大学 リハビリテーション学部
  • Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2021
    兵庫医療大学 リハビリテーション学部
  • Physiology               
    Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2008
    Hyogo Medical University
  • Physiology training               
    Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2008
    Hyogo Medical University

Research Themes