Last Updated :2024/09/11


  • 博士(創薬科学), 九州大学

Research Keyword

  • neural circuits
  • patch-clamp recording
  • somatosensory system
  • spinal dorsal horn
  • pain

Field Of Study

  • Life sciences, Neuroscience - general


  • Apr. 2020 - Present
    Hyogo Medical University, Department of Neurophysiology, Assistant professor
  • Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2020
    Kyushu University, Graduate school of Pharmacological Sciences, Department of Life Innovation, Temporally appointed assistant professor
  • Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2019
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, JSPS reserch fellow (PD, switch from DC2)
  • Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2018
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, JSPS reserch fellow (DC2)

Educational Background

  • Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2018, Kyushu University, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 創薬科学専攻
  • Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2013, Kyushu University, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 創薬科学


  • Mar. 2019
    日本薬理学会, The 92nd Annual Meeting Excellent Presentation Award
    Spinal dorsal horn astrogliosis facilitates itch transmission in a mouse model of contact dermatitis
  • Mar. 2018
    九州大学, 九州大学学位記授与式における学術研究活動表彰



Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • The role of anterior cingulate cross-hemispheric projection to the claustrum in pain processing               
    Keisuke Koga; Kenta Kobayashi; Makoto Tsuda; Anthony E Pickering; Hidemasa Furue
    Neuro2024, Jul. 2024
  • Anterior cingulate cross-hemispheric projection to the claustrum determines prioritization in painful sensory conflict               
    Keisuke Koga; Kenta Kobayashi; Makoto Tsuda; Anthony E Pickering; Hidemasa Furue
    FENS forum 2024, Jun. 2024
  • 脊髄後角興奮性神経に発現するα2δ-1サブユニットの機械性痛覚過敏における役割解明               
    古賀 啓祐; 小林 憲太; 津田 誠; 窪田 一史; 北野 裕; 古江 秀昌
    第101回日本生理学会大会, Mar. 2024
  • 疼痛制御に関与する新たな中枢神経機構の探索と役割解明               
    古賀 啓祐; 古江 秀昌
    痛み研究会2023, Jan. 2024, [Invited]
  • 光遺伝学的脊髄GABAニューロンの脱抑制による異常痛覚応答とα2δ-1リガンドによる鎮痛効果               
    藤原 優香; 古賀 啓祐; 橘 俊哉; 古江 秀昌
    第45回日本疼痛学会, Dec. 2023
  • 神経障害性疼痛における脊髄後角神経に発現するα2δ-1サブユニットの役割               
    古賀 啓祐; 小林 憲太; 津田 誠; 窪田 一史; 北野 裕; 古江 秀昌
    第45回日本疼痛学会, Dec. 2023
  • nvolvement of the voltage-gated calcium channel subunit, α2δ-1, expressed in spinal dorsal horn excitatory neurons for facilitation of excitatory synaptic transmission and mechanical hypersensitivity after peripheral nerve injury               
    Keisuke Koga; Kenta Kobayashi; Makoto Tsuda; Kazufumi Kubota; Yutaka Kitano; Hidemasa Furue
    Neuroscience 2023, Nov. 2023
  • 睡眠障害による前帯状回ニューロン活動の変化               
    中野 康佑; 古賀 啓祐; 角谷 学; 小山 英則; 古江 秀昌
    第44回日本疼痛学会, Dec. 2022
  • A subset of dorsal horn inhibitory interneurons has a critical role in mechanical allodynia after nerve injury               
    Keisuke Koga; Ryoichi Tashima; Yuta Kohro; Kazuhide Inoue; Hiromu Yawo; Hidemasa Furue; Makoto Tsuda
    The 8th Asian Pain symposium in Korea, Dec. 2019
  • Spinal dorsal horn astrogliosis facilitates itch transmission in a mouse model of contact dermatitis               
    Keisuke Koga; Ryo Yamagata; Miho Shiratori-Hayashi; Makoto Tsuda
    The 92nd annual meeting of japanese pharmacological society, Mar. 2019
  • Rapid and selective inhibition of dorsal horn inhibitory interneurons induces morphine-resistant spontaneous nocifensive behaviors               
    Keisuke Koga; Kensho Kanehisa; Tozaki-Saitoh Hidetoshi; Hidemasa Furue; Makoto Tsuda
    The 18 th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, Jun. 2018
  • Optogenetic activation of non-nociceptive Aβ fibers induces neuropathic pain-like sensory and emotional behaviors               
    Ryoichi Tashima; Keisuke Koga; Misuzu Sekine; Kensho Kanehisa; Yuta Kohro; Yugo, Fukazawa; Kazuhide Inoue; Hiromu Yawo; Hidemasa Furue; Makoto Tsuda
    The 18 th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, Jun. 2018