Last Updated :2024/09/11


  • Doctor of Medicine

Research Keyword

  • アポトーシス
  • apoptosis

Field Of Study

  • Life sciences, Experimental pathology


  • 1996 - 2000
    熊本大学大学院医学部 助手 2002-2003 熊本大学医学薬学研究部 助手
  • 1996 - 2000
    Faculty member, Gradient School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto university. 2002-2003 Faculty member, Faculty of Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, Kumamoto university.

Educational Background

  • 1996, Kumamoto University, 医学研究科, 分子病理学
  • 1996, Kumamoto University, Graduate School, Division of Medicine
  • 1990, Kagoshima University, Dental School, 歯科学
  • 1990, Kagoshima University, Faculty of Dentistry


  • 1999


Books and other publications

  • Transglutaminase Dependent Generation of Monocyte Chemotactic Factor               
    Medical Aspects of Proteases and Protease Inhibitors, 1997

Affiliated academic society

  • 日本病理学会
  • 日本生化学学会

Research Themes

  • 走化因子ヒトS19リボソーム変異蛋白質によるアポトーシス機構の制御               
    2003 - 2005
  • Regulation of the apoptotic system by chemotactic factor human S19 ribosomal protein               
    2003 - 2005
  • 単球走化阻止因子の精製               
  • アポトーシス小体貧食機構               
  • 炎症における細胞浸潤機構               
  • The purification of monocyte chemotaxis inhibitory factor               
  • The phagocyte mechanism of apoptotic body               
  • The mechanism of cell infiltration in inflammation