Last Updated :2024/09/11


  • PhD, Hokkaido University

Research Keyword

  • 初期発生
  • X染色体不活性化
  • DNAメチル化
  • マウス
  • ES細胞
  • 始原生殖細胞
  • 細胞間相互作用
  • 初期胚発生
  • 哺乳類
  • retrograde transport
  • 哺乳類初期発生
  • 劣性致死変異
  • 日本固有マウス亜種
  • マウス遺伝学
  • 幹細胞
  • 再プログラム化
  • ゲノム再プログラム化
  • 細胞分化
  • 胚性幹細胞
  • SNP
  • 近交系マウス
  • 遺伝子発現
  • BACライブラリー
  • トランスジェニックマウス
  • ゲノム進化
  • BAC
  • 相同組換え
  • 機能ゲノム解析
  • 日本産亜種マウス
  • エピジェネティクス
  • 細胞遺伝学
  • 発生遺伝学
  • Epigenetics
  • Cytogenetics
  • Developmental Genetics

Field Of Study

  • Life sciences, Animals: biochemistry, physiology, behavioral science
  • Life sciences, Laboratory animal science
  • Life sciences, Developmental biology
  • Life sciences, Genetics


  • Apr. 2023 - Present
    Hyogo Medical University, Faculty of Medicine, 准教授
  • Oct. 2022 - Mar. 2023
    Hyogo Medical University, Faculty of Medicine, 講師
  • Apr. 2019 - Sep. 2022
    RIKEN, BioResource Research Center, Research & Development Scientist
  • Oct. 2017 - Mar. 2019
    Kumamoto University, Institute of Resource Development and Analysis, 助教
  • Nov. 2014 - Sep. 2017
    Kumamoto University, Institute of Resource Development and Analysis, 助教
  • Apr. 2003 - Oct. 2014
    RIKEN, BioResource Center, Research Scientist

Educational Background

  • Apr. 1998 - Mar. 2003, Hokkaido University, 大学院地球環境科学研究科, 生態環境科学専攻
  • Oct. 1995 - Mar. 1998, Hokkaido University, School of Science, Biological Sciences
  • Apr. 1994 - Sep. 1995, Hokkaido University, Faculty of Science

Member History

  • Jan. 2015 - Present
    将来計画幹事, 日本遺伝学会


  • Aug. 2017
    AMMRA & AMPC Meeting,, Best Poster Award Runner Up
    An easy and high efficient technique for mouse genome manipulation by electroporation
    SUGIMOTO Michihiko
  • Jul. 2015
    モロシヌス研究会, 森脇和朗賞
    杉本 道彦
  • Apr. 2014
    理化学研究所, 第5回 理化学研究所研究奨励賞
    杉本 道彦
  • Sep. 2013
    The Genetics Society of Japan, The GSJ Award for Young Scientists
    Molecular identification of the mouse t-complex lethal gene
    SUGIMOTO Michihiko



Books and other publications

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • メタノール固定細胞を用いたマルチプレックスscRNA-seqのためのUSB細胞標識法
    杉本道彦; 田夛祐喜; 趙 杜善; 阿部訓也
    日本遺伝学会第95回大会, Sep. 2023
  • Barcoding of MeOH-fixed cells by the USB method for sample multiplexing of scRNA-seq analysis
    Michihiko Sugimoto; Dooseon Cho; Yuhki Tada; Kuniya Abe
    36th International Mammalian Genome Conference, Mar. 2023
  • A novel cell labeling technique for multiplexing of scRNA-seq samples               
    Michihiko Sugimoto; Yuhki Tada; Shigeyuki Shichino; Saeko Koyamatsu; Noriyuki Tsumaki; Kuniya Abe
    日本遺伝学会第94回大会, Sep. 2022
  • Role of Vps52 during early mouse development
    Michihiko Sugimoto; Kimi Araki
    2019 AMMRA & AMPC meeting, Feb. 2019
  • エレクトロポレーション法によるCRISPR/Cas9ゲノム編集マウス作製時における高効率化と生存率向上の試み               
    杉本道彦; 有安大典; 石黒啓一郎; 伊藤慎悟; 荒木喜美
    2017年度生命科学系学会合同年次大会・第40回日本分子生物学会年会・第90回日本生化学会大会, Dec. 2017
  • エレクトロポレーションを用いた簡便・高効率マウスゲノム操作技術               
    杉本道彦; 有安大典; 石黒啓一郎; 伊藤慎悟; 荒木喜美
    日本遺伝学会第89回大会, Sep. 2017
  • An easy and high efficient technique for mouse genome manipulation by electroporation               
    Michihiko Sugimoto; Daisuke Ariyasu; Kei-ichiro Ishiguro; Shingo Ito; Kimi Araki
    2017 AMMRA & AMPC meeting, Aug. 2017
  • Role of the GARP complex during early mouse development.               
    Michihiko SUGIMOTO; Mayumi MUTA; Kumiko MURAKAMI; Yoko MINE; Kimi ARAKI
    第50回日本発生生物学会大会, May 2017
  • A Simple and Robust Method for Establishing Homogeneous Mouse Epiblast Stem Cell Lines by Wnt Inhibition               
    Michihiko Sugimoto; Masayo Kondo; Yumiko Koga; Rieko Ikeda; Susana M. Chuva de; Sousa Lopes; Kuniya Abe
    2016 AMMRA & AMPC meeting, May 2016
  • Gene trapで同定したX連鎖non-coding RNA T75の解析               
    杉本 道彦
    第4回 X染色体研究会, Mar. 2016
  • WNT inhibition facilitate the establishment of stable and homogeneous EpiSCs               
    Michihiko Sugimoto; Masayo Kondo; Yumiko Koga; Rieko Ikeda; Susana M. Chuva de; Sousa Lopes; Kuniya Abe
    The 29th International Mammalian Genome Conference, Nov. 2015
  • A simple and robust method for establishing homogeneous mouse epiblast stem cell lines by Wnt inhibition               
    Michihiko SUGIMOTO; Masayo KONDO; Yumiko KOGA; Rieko IKEDA; Susana M; CHUVA de; SOUSA LOPES; Kuniya ABE
    第49回日本発生生物学会, Jun. 2015
  • Vps52および関連遺伝子のマウス胚発生における役割               
    杉本道彦; 田村勝; 阿部訓也
    日本遺伝学会第86回大会, Sep. 2014
  • Wntシグナル抑制による簡便で高効率なマウスEpiSC樹立・維持培養法の確立               
    杉本道彦; 近藤昌代; 廣瀬美智子; 古賀裕美子; 志浦寛相; 村上亜弓; 小倉淳郎; 吉木淳; Chuva de Susa Lopes; Susana M; 阿部訓也
    モロシヌス研究会, Jun. 2014
  • The role of Vps52 as a regulator of pluripotent stem cell differentiation through cell-cell interactions               
    Sugimoto M
    The 85nd Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan, 2013
  • Molecular identification of tw5: Vps52 promotes pluripotential cell differentiation through cell interactions               
    Sugimoto M; Kondo M; Hirose M; Suzuki M; Mekada K; Ogura A; Artzt K; Abe K
    The 46th Annual Meeting for the Japanese Society of Debelopmental Biologists, 2013
  • Identification of tw5: Vps52 promotes pluripotential cell differentiation through cell interactions               
    Sugimoto M; Kondo M; Hirose M; Suzuki M; Mekada K; Ogura A; Artzt K; Abe K
    The 60th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 2013
  • Molecular Identification of a Recessive Lethal Gene in t Complex –Essential Role of Vps52 in Early Mouse Embryogenesis–               
    Sugimoto M; Kondo M; Hirose M; Suzuki M; Ogura A; Artzt K; Abe K
    The 61st NIBB conference "Cellular Community in Mammalian Embryogenesis", 2013
  • Role of Vps52 as a key regulator for differentiation of pluripotent stem cells revealed by the analysis of tw5 mutant mice               
    Sugimoto M; Kondo M; Abe K
    The 84th Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan, 2012
  • Functional analysis of Vps52, a responsible gene for the tw5 recessive lethal mutation               
    Sugimoto M; Kondo M; Hirose M; Ogura A; Abe K
    The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan, 2011
  • Positional cloning of a responsible gene for the mouse t-complex recessive lethal mutation –A role of Vps52 gene as a differentiation regulator of pluripotential cells during mammalian early embryogenesis-               
    Sugimoto M; Abe K
    The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan, 2010, [Invited]
  • Dynamics of the X chromosome activity and the DNA methylation status of X-linked genes during X reactivation in mouse female embryos               
    Sugimoto M; Sado T; Abe K
    The 24th Naito Conference, 2009
  • Dynamics of the X chromosome activity and the DNA methylation status of X-linked genes during X reactivation in mouse female PGCs               
    Sugimoto M; Sado T; Abe K
    The 81st Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan, 2009
  • Dynamics of the X chromosome activity and the DNA methylation of X-linked genes during female PGC development               
    Sugimoto M; Sado T; Abe K
    The 80th Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan, 2008
  • 雌マウス始原生殖細胞の発生過程に起こる不活性X染色体の再活性化について               
    文部科学省科学研究費特定領域研究「性分化機構の解明」第2回 冬のワークショップ, 2007, [Invited]
  • Identification of the responsible gene for the t-complex recessive lethal mutation tclw5 by transgenic rescue               
    Sugimoto M; Yuzuriha M; Hirose M; Ogura A; Abe K
    40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists, 2007
  • 胚体外胚葉の増殖・分化に関与するマウスt-complex変異tclw5の責任遺伝子の同定               
    杉本道彦; 廣瀬美智子; 目加田和之; 小倉淳郎; 高木信夫; 阿部訓也
    日本発生生物学会第39回大会, 2006
  • 雌マウス始原生殖細胞の発生過程におけるX染色体再活性化のタイミング               
    杉本道彦; 阿部訓也
    日本遺伝学会第78回大会, 2006
  • Changes in X chromosome activity during PGC development in female mouse embryo.               
    Sugimoto M; Abe K
    International Symposium on X chromosome Inactivation and Epigenetic Regulation, 2006
  • Timing of X reactivation during the PGC development in female mice.               
    Sugimoto M; Abe K
    20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress, 2006
  • Determination of X reactivation timing during female PGC development.               
    Sugimoto M; Abe k
    2nd International Conference on X-inactivation, 2006
  • 胚体外胚葉の増殖・分化に関与するマウスt-complex変異tclw5の責任遺伝子の探索および候補領域のゲノム解析               
    杉本道彦; 杠美佐子; 豊田敦; 目加田和之; 辛島裕子; Ko Minoru; S. H; Nagaraja Ramaiah; 榊佳之; Tan Seong-Seng; 高木信夫; 阿部訓也
    日本発生生物学会第38回大会, 2005
  • Rescue of the t-complex recessive lethal mutation tclw5 by a 180kb BAC clone               
    Sugimoto M; Mekada K; Karashima Y; Yuzuriha M; Ko M.S.H; Nagaraja R; Tan S.-S; Takagi N; Abe K
    The 77th Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan, 2005
  • Rescue of the t-complex recessive lethal mutation tclw5 by a 180kb BAC clone               
    Sugimoto M; Mekada K; Karashima Y; Yuzuriha M; Ko M.S.H; Nagaraja R; Tan S.-S; Takagi N; Abe K
    The 19th International Mammalian Genome Conference, 2005
  • Timing of X reactivation during the PGC development in female mice.               
    Sugimoto M; Abe K
    International Symposium on Germ Cells, Epigenetics, Reprogramming and Embryonic Stem Cells, 2005
  • Rescue of the t-complex recessive lethal mutation tclw5 using a BAC clone               
    Sugimoto m; Mekada K; Karashima Y; Yuzuriha M; Ko M.S.H; Nagaraja R; Tan S.-S; Takagi N; Abe K
    The 28th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan, 2005
  • Rescue of the t-complex recessive lethal mutation tclw5 by a 180kb BAC clone.               
    Sugimoto M; Mekada K; Karashima Y; Yuzuriha M; Ko M.S.H; Nagaraja R; Tan S.-S; Takagi N; Abe K
    The 19th International Mammalian Genome Conference, 2005
  • Timing of X reactivation during the PGC development in female mice.               
    Sugimoto M; Abe K
    International Symposium on Germ Cells, Epigenetics, Reprogramming and Embryonic Stem Cells, 2005
  • マウスt-complexが持つ胚性致死変異の責任遺伝子tclw5の機能解析および候補領域のゲノム解析               
    杉本道彦; 杠美佐子; 辛島裕子; Ko Minoru S.H; Nagaraja Ramaiah; Tan Seong-Seng; 高木信夫; 阿部訓也
    日本発生生物学会第37回大会, 2004
  • Searching for the tclw5 gene: the responsible gene for a mouse t-complex mutation regulating the embryonic ectoderm development               
    Sugimoto M; Yuzuriha M; Mekada K; Karashima Y; Ko M.S.H; Nagaraja R; Tan S.-S; Takagi N; Abe K
    The 27th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan, 2004
  • Searching for the responsible gene of a mouse t-complex recessive lethal mutation, tclw5               
    Sugimoto M; Abe K; Yuzuriha M; Ko M.S.H; Nagaraja R; Tan S.-S; Takagi N
    The 26th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology of Japan, 2003
  • Partial tetraploid rescue of mouse embryos homozygous for tw5.               
    Sugimoto M; Karashima Y; Abe K; Tan S.-S; Takagi N
    The 74th Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan, 2002
  • Postmeiotic reactivation of X chromosome revealed by in situ examination of X-linked gene activity in mice.               
    Sugimoto M; Tan S.-S; Takagi N
    The 72nd Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan, 2000
  • Suitability of lacZ transgenic mouse for the analysis of X chromosome inactivation               
    Sugimoto M; Tan S.-S; Takagi N
    The 70th Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan, 1998


  • 熊本大学
  • 熊本大学

Affiliated academic society

  • International Mammalian Genome Society
  • 日本発生生物学会
  • 日本分子生物学会
  • 日本遺伝学会
  • International Mammalian Genome Society
  • Japanese Society of Developmental Biology
  • The Molecular Biology Society of Japan
  • The Genetics Society of Japan

Research Themes

Industrial Property Rights

  • 特願2022-016576, 細胞の標識法
    阿部訓也, 杉本道彦