Last Updated :2024/09/11


  • 博士(理学), 大阪大学

Research Keyword

  • 二光子顕微鏡
  • イメージング
  • 神経回路
  • ネットワークダイナミクス
  • 電気生理
  • 活性化タイミング
  • カルシウムイメージング
  • 同期活動
  • 呼吸中枢

Field Of Study

  • Life sciences, Physiology
  • Life sciences, Neuroscience - general, Neuronal network of respiratory center


  • Apr. 2022 - Present
    Hyogo Medical University, Devision of Physiome, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Assistant Professor
  • May 2012 - Mar. 2022
    Hyogo College of Medicine, Devision of Physiome, Department of Physiology, Assistant Professor
  • Nov. 2010 - May 2012
    Life Technologies Japan Ltd, Molecular Probes, Technical Sales Specialist
  • Jun. 2008 - Oct. 2010
    Osaka University, Graduate School of Medicine, Assistant Professor
  • Sep. 2007 - May 2008
    Osaka University, Graduate School of Medicine, Research Associate
  • Apr. 2007 - Aug. 2007
    Tohoku University, Fracture and Reliability Research Institute, Graduate School of Engineering, Research Assosiate
  • Sep. 2006 - Mar. 2007
    Tohoku University, Fracture and Reliability Research Institute, Graduate School of Engineering, Assistant Professor
  • Nov. 2004 - Aug. 2006
    Tohoku University, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Assistant Professor
  • Apr. 2004 - Oct. 2004
    Osaka University, Health and Sport Science Research, Research Assistant
  • Jul. 2003 - Mar. 2004
    Osaka University, Department of Biology, Graduate School of Science, Research Student

Educational Background

  • Apr. 1997 - Jun. 2003, Osaka University, Graduate School of Science, Departmento of Biology
  • Apr. 1993 - Mar. 1997, Osaka University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology



Books and other publications

  • 水 その不思議な世界 私たちの星を守るために               
    山崎仲道編, Contributor, 生命を作る水-細胞でタンバク質形成
    高知新聞社, 2007

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 呼吸リズム生成ネットワークの生後発達               
    第2回 食と生体機能モデル学講座公開シンポジウム, 老いの科学II ~心臓・呼吸・循環のエイジング研究~, May 2022, [Invited]
  • Network mechanism for inspiratory rhythm generation in the pre-Bötzinger complex of the mice medullary slice               
    Yoshihiko Oke; Fumikazu Miwakeichi; Yoshitaka Oku; Johannes Hirrlinger; Swen Hülsmann
    The 126th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists/ The 98th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan, Mar. 2021
  • 同期してリズム活動をする呼吸ニューロンの生後タイプ変化               
    尾家慶彦; 三分一史和
    統計数理研究所共同研究集会 健康・医療情報学, 生体計測・生体信号解析とその周辺, Dec. 2020
  • 自発リズム活動を生成するミニマムニューロンネットワークの推定               
    三分一史和; 尾家慶彦
    統計数理研究所共同研究集会 健康・医療情報学, 生体計測・生体信号解析とその周辺, Dec. 2020
  • Early postnatal development of inspiratory neuron-type in the pre -Bötzinger complex of mice               
    Yoshihiko Oke; Fumikazu Miwakeichi; Yoshitaka Oku; Johhanes Hirrlinger; Swen Hülsmann
    The 98th annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan, Mar. 2020
  • 自励的同期活動をする呼吸ニューロン間の活性化順序の検討               
    尾家 慶彦
    統計数理研究所共同研究集会 生体信号・イメージングデータ解析に基づく医療・健康データ科学の展開2, Nov. 2019
  • Estimation of causal connectivity among inspiratory neurons and its experimental verification               
    F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oke; Y. Oku; S. Hülsmann; J. Hirrlinger
    NEURO2019, Jul. 2019
  • Cell type-based activation timing and order in the sequence in the pre-Bötzinger complex               
    Y. Oke; F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oku; J. Hirrlinger; S. Hülsmann
    9th Congress of the Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies (FAOPS) in conjunction with the 96th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan, Mar. 2019
  • Glycine transporter 2-deficient mice show an altered development of the ultrasonic vocalization-associated breathing
    S. Hülsmann; Y. Oke; G. Mesuret; A. T. Latal; M. G. Fortuna; M. Niebert; J. Hirrlinger; J. Fischer; K. Hammerschmidt
    13th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, Mar. 2019
  • Activation timing and order in the sequence during rhythmic burst is dependent on cell type of inspiratory neurons in the pre-Bötzinger complex of the mice medulla slice               
    Y.Oke; F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oku; J. Hirrlinger; S. Hülsmann
    The 48th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2018), Nov. 2018
  • Spatio-temporal analysis of multi-neuronal imaging data and visualization of spontaneous neuronal activation patterns               
    F. Miwakeich; Y. Oke; Y. Oku; Andreas Galka; S. Hülsmann
    The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Jul. 2018
  • Estimation of spontaneous synchronous neuronal network based on spatio-temporal optical imaging data analysis               
    F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oke; S. Besser; J. Hirrlinger; S. Hüelsmann
    ISI-ISM-ISSAS Joint Conference TOKYO 2017, Dec. 2017
  • マウス延髄スライスの吸息性中枢内で吸息性細胞が自励的同期活動を行う際の細胞種依存的な活性化順序パターン               
    尾家慶彦; 三分一史和; 越久仁敬; S. Besser; J. Hirrlinger; S. Hüelsmann
    第110回近畿生理学談話会, Nov. 2017
  • Neuronal type-dependent stochastic activation sequence among inspiratory neurons during rhythmic burst in the pre-Bötzinger complex of the mice medulla slice               
    Y. Oke; F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oku; S. Besser; J. Hirrlinger; S. Hüelsmann
    The 47th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2017), Nov. 2017
  • Detection of irregularly firing inspiratory neurons in the pre-Bötzinger complex based on spatio-temporal optical imaging data analysis               
    F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oke; Y. Oku; J. Hirrlinger; S. Hüelsmann
    The 47th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2017), Nov. 2017
  • General pattern of activation sequence among excitatory/inhibitory inspiratory neurons during rhythmic burst in the pre-Bötzinger complex of the mice medulla slice               
    Y. Oke; F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oku; S. Besser; J. Hirrlinger; S. Hüelsmann
    The 14th Oxford Conference on Modelling and Control of Breathing, Sep. 2017
  • Rhythmic activation patterns of excitatory/inhibitory inspiratory neurons in the pre-Bötzinger complex of the mice medulla slice               
    Y. Oke; F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oku; S. Besser; J. Hirrlinger; S. Hülsmann
    The 94th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan, Mar. 2017
  • Development of inhibitory inspiratory neurons in the pre-Bötzinger complex of neonatal mice               
    Y. Oke; F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oku; S. Besser; J. Hirrlinger; S. Hülsmann
    The 93rd Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan, Mar. 2016
  • Stochastic activation of inspiratory cells in the pre-Bötzinger complex with loose regularity during spontaneous inspiratory rhythmic bursts               
    Y. Oke; D. Bouiroux; F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oku
    The 38th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Jul. 2015
  • Differentiation of neurons and astrocyte in brain stem by statistical image processing methods               
    F. Miwakeich; Y. Oke; Y. Oku; Andreas Galka; S. Hülsmann
    The 38th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Jul. 2015
  • Loose regulation of calcium bursting sequence among inspiratory cells in the pre-Bötzinger complex during rhythmic burst               
    Y. Oke; D. Boiroux; F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oku
    The 92nd Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan & The 120th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomy, Mar. 2015
  • A statistical mapping strategy to identify inspiratory neurons among active cells in the pre-Botzinger Complex               
    三分一史和; 尾家慶彦
    データ科学シンポジウム2015 - 欠測データ解析とモデル選択: 生体情報 データの統計モデル, 2015
  • A statistical strategy of optical imaging data analysis to differentiate neurons and astrocytes in the brain stem               
    F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oke; Y. Oku; G. Andreas; S. Hülsmann
    Statistical Computing Asia 2015, 2015
  • A statistical mapping strategy to identify inspiratory neurons among active cells in the pre-Bötzinger complex               
    F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oke; Y. Oku; A. Galka; S. Hüelsmann
    7th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2015
  • Noninvasive assessment of swallowing function by sound frequency analysis               
    N. Yagi; S. Nagami; H. Ueno; T. Yabe; J. Kayashita; M-K. Lin; Y. Oke; Y. Oku
    37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2015
  • Connectivity of the respiratory network by using Granger causality               
    D. Bouiroux; Y. Oke; F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oku
    The 13th Oxford Breathing Meeting Respiratory and Cardiovascular 2014, Oct. 2014
  • 非侵襲的人工呼吸管理下での呼吸と嚥下の協調性に関する検討               
    堀竜次; 井坂昌明; 大西和彦; 尾家慶彦; 越久仁敬
    第24回呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会学術集会, 2014
  • Network Connectivity of the Respiratory Rhythm-generating Kernel               
    A Lal; Y. Oke; D. Boiroux; Y. Oku
    24th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society, 2014
  • 光学的イメージング法とニューロン、アストロサイトの識別               
    三分一史和; 尾家慶彦
    電子情報通信学会医用画像研究会, 2014
  • 音声信号解析を用いた嚥下抽出システムの開発               
    八木直美; 永見慎輔; 上野博司; 家邉徹; 尾家慶彦; 越久仁敬
    第57回自動制御連合講演会, 2014
  • Analysis of calcium imaging data recorded by two-photon microscopy               
    D. Boiroux; Y. Oke; F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oku
    3rd Meeting of The Respiratory Physiome Conference Consortium, 2014
  • A knowledge-based approach to identify aspiration by fuzzy logic               
    N. Yagi; R. Takahashi; H. Ueno; T. Yabe; J. Kayashita; Y. Oke; Y. Oku
    World Automation Congress 2014, 2014
  • Swallow-monitoring system with acoustic analysis for dysphagia               
    N. Yagi; R. Takahashi; H. Ueno; T. Yabe; Y. Oke; Y. Oku
    2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2014
  • Flexible bursting sequence among inspiratory cells in the pre-Bötzinger complex revealed by wide-field Ca2+ imaging               
    Y. Oke; D. Bouiroux; F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oku
    The 13th Oxford Breathing Meeting Respiratory and Cardiovascular 2014, 2014
  • Activation sequence of respiratory cells in preBotC during bursts               
    Y. Oke; D. Boiroux; Y Oku
    3rd Meeting of The Respiratory Physiome Conference Consortium, 2014
  • Processing of Ca2+ imaging data in respiratory cells               
    D. Boiroux; Y. Oke; F. Miwakeichi; Y. Oku
    2nd Meeting of The Respiratory Physiome Conference Consortium, 2013
  • Effect of neuroreceptor antagonists on spontaneous respiratory activity using wide-field Ca2+ imaging               
    Y. Oke; D. Boiroux; Y Oku
    2nd Meeting of The Respiratory Physiome Conference Consortium, 2013
  • Exercise prescription for stimulated mobilization of soleus muscle in human               
    H. Okabe; T. Ohira; F. Kawano; Y. Oke; R. Fujita; T. Ohira; N. Nakai; Y. Ohira
    7th Congress of the Federations of Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies (FAOPS), 2011
  • Investigation of exercise prescription as the countermeasure against soleus muscle atrophy in human caused by inhibited antigravity activity               
    H. Okabe; T. Ohira; F. Kawano; Y. Oke; R. Fujita; S. Nomura; T. Ohira; Y. Ohira
    The 87th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan, 2010
  • 機械的伸展刺激によるタンパク質合成促進作用におけるチロシンリン酸化の役割               
    中井直也; 河野史倫; 尾家慶彦; 藤田諒; 芝口翼; 大平充宣
    第64回日本体力医学会大会, 2010
  • Effect of antigravity muscle activity on learning capacity and hippocampal protein expression in juvenile rats               
    Y. Oke; F. Kawano; S. Nomura; T. Ohira; R. Fujita; N. Nakai; Y. Ohira
    Experimental Biology 2010, 2010
  • Effects of chronic iron deficiency anemia on the protein expression of rat thalamus               
    F. Kawano; Y. Oke; N. Nakai; T. Ohira; S. Nomura; R. Fujita; Y. Ohira
    Experimental Biology 2010, 2010
  • Effect of hindlimb suspension on hippocampal neurogenesis in weaned rats               
    S. Nomura; K. Kami; F. Kawano; Y. Oke; T. Ohira; R. Fujita; N. Nakai; Y. Ohira
    Experimental Biology 2010, 2010
  • Tyrosine phosphorylation regulates mechanical stretch-induced activation of protein translation initiation in C2C12 myoblasts               
    N. Nakai; F. Kawano; Y. Oke; S. Nomura; T. Ohira; R. Fujita; Y. Ohira
    Experimental Biology 2010, 2010
  • Effects of IL-6 receptor inhibition and/or heat treatment on the regeneration of injured mouse skeletal muscle               
    R. Fujita; T. Ohira; K. Kami; Y. Oke; S. Nomura; F. Kawano; N. Nakai; Y. Ohira
    Experimental Biology 2010, 2010
  • Reconsideration of exercise prescription as the countermeasure for prevention of muscle atrophy in space               
    T. Ohira; H. Okabe; F. Kawano; Y. Oke; R. Fujita; S. Nomura; N. Nakai; T. Ohira; K. Ohira; Y. Ohira
    Experimental Biology 2010, 2010
  • Reconsideration of exercise countermeasure for prevention of unloading-related atrophy in human soleus               
    Y. Ohira; H. Okabe; T. Ohira; F. Kawano; Y. Oke; R. Fujita; S. Nomura; T. Ohira; N. Nakai
    The 31st Anuual ISGP Meeting, 2010
  • 離乳期ラット海馬ニューロン新生に及ぼす後肢懸垂の影響               
    野村幸子; 上勝也; 河野史倫; 尾家慶彦; 大平宇志; 藤田諒; 大平充宣
    第17回日本運動生理学会, 2009
  • 機械的伸展刺激によるタンパク質合成促進作用の分子機序               
    中井直也; 河野史倫; 尾家慶彦; 大平充宣
    第64回日本体力医学会大会, 2009
  • プロテオミクス手法を応用した骨格筋サイズ調節機構の追究               
    河野史倫; 中井直也; 尾家慶彦; 大平充宣
    第64回日本体力医学会大会, 2009
  • 微小重力環境下における筋・神経系の応答および適応               
    河野史倫; 中井直也; 尾家慶彦; 大平充宣
    第64回日本体力医学会大会, 2009
  • マウスを用いた軌道上実験に向けた生物固定法の検討               
    河野史倫; 寺田昌弘; 大平宇志; 藤田諒; 尾家慶彦; 野村幸子; 行徳淳一郎; 大平充宣
    第55回日本宇宙航空環境医学会大会, 2009
  • 麻酔による姿勢維持の抑制等がメダカの脳における遺伝子発現に及ぼす影響               
    大平宇志; 藤田諒; 河野史倫; 尾家慶彦; 野村幸子; 大平充宣
    第55回日本宇宙航空環境医学会大会, 2009
  • 抗重力筋活動抑制によるヒトヒラメ筋の委縮防止策としての脚運動処方は適当か?               
    岡部洋興; 大平宇志; 河野史倫; 尾家慶彦; 野村幸子; 大平友宇; 大平充宣
    第55回日本宇宙航空環境医学会大会, 2009
  • 骨格筋再生におけるIL-6受容体阻害剤(MR16-1)及び温熱刺激効果の検討               
    藤田諒; 大平宇志; 上勝也; 尾家慶彦; 野村幸子; 河野史倫; 大平充宣
    第55回日本宇宙航空環境医学会大会, 2009
  • 後肢懸垂が発育期ラットの脳ニューロン新生に及ぼす影響               
    野村幸子; 上勝也; 河野史倫; 尾家慶彦; 大平宇志; 藤田諒; 大平充宣
    第55回日本宇宙航空環境医学会大会, 2009
  • Effect of hindlimb suspension on learning capacity in juvenile rats               
    Y. Oke; F. Kawano; T. Ohira; S. Nomura; M. Terada; N. Nakai; Y. Ohira
    The 36th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, 2009
  • Hindlimb suspension impairs hippocampal neurogenesis in weaned rats               
    S. Nomura; K. Kami; F. Kawano; Y. Oke; N. Nakai; M. Terada; T. Ohira; K. Imaizumi; Y. Ohira
    The 36th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, 2009
  • Decreased muscle sensory feedback influences the protein expression in rat brain               
    F. Kawano; Y. Nakajima; N. Nakai; M. Terada; T. Ohira; Y. Oke; S. Nomura; Y. Ohira
    The 36th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, 2009
  • Protein translation initiation is activated by mechanical stretch in C2C12 myoblast               
    N. Nakai; F. Kawano; Y. Oke; S. Nomura; M. Terada; T. Ohira; Y. Ohira
    The 36th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, 2009
  • Mechanical stretch induces activation of eukaryotic elongation factor 2 in C2C12 myoblast               
    N. Nakai; F. Kawano; Y. Oke; S. Nomura; M. Terada; T. Ohira; Y. Ohira
    Experimental Biology 2009, 2009
  • Responses of protein expression in rat brain to deafferentation               
    F. Kawano; Y. Nakajima; N. Nakai; M. Terada; T. Ohira; Y. Oke; S. Nomura; Y. Ohira
    Experimental Biology 2009, 2009
  • 幼年期ラットにおける後肢懸垂が記憶学習能力へ及ぼす影響               
    尾家慶彦; 河野史倫; 中井直也; 大平充宣
    第64回日本体力医学会大会, 2009
  • 発育期ラットの記憶学習能力ならびに海馬蛋白質の発現へ後肢懸垂が及ぼす影響               
    尾家慶彦; 河野史倫; 野村幸子; 大平宇志; 藤田諒; 大平充宣
    第55回日本宇宙航空環境医学会大会, 2009
  • Effects of mechanical overloading on the properties of soleus muscle fibers, with or without damage, in mdx and wild type mice               
    M. Terada; F. Kawano; T. Ohira; Y. Oke; N. Nakai; Y. Ohira
    10th ESA Life Sciences Symposium, 29th Annual ISGP Meeting, 24th Annual ASGSB, and ELGRA Symposium, Life in Space for Life on Earth, 2008
  • 建材中アスベスト簡易判別法のためのアスベスト選択的染色法の開発               
    尾家慶彦; 前田直己; 橋田俊之
    資源・素材学会 東北支部 平成19年度春季大会, 2007
  • Further development of selective dyeing method for detecting chrysotile asbestos in building materials               
    Y. Oke; N. Yamasaki; G. Yamamoto; N. Maeta; H. Fujimaki; Toshiyuki Hashida
    5th International workshop on WATER DYNAMICS, 2007
  • Synthesis of Magnesite under Hydrothermal Condition               
    Y. Matsumoto; Y. Oke; N. Yamasaki; T. Hashida
    1st International Symposium on Aqua Science, Water Resource and Innovation Development of Countryside, 2007
  • The development of a novel immersion dyeing method for chrysotile asbestos in building materials               
    Y. Oke; N. Yamasaki; N. Maeta; H. Fujimaki; T. Hashida
    1st International Symposium on Aqua Science, Water Resource and Innovation Development of Countryside, 2007
  • Biomolecular created by water               
    Y. Oke
    1st International Symposium on Aqua Science, Water Resource and Innovation Development of Countryside, 2007
  • Mechanical stress-dependent transformation of nucleoli in myonuclei of rat soleus muscle fibers               
    F. Kawano; Y. Matsuoka; Y. Oke; Y. Higo; M. Terada; X. D. Wang; Y. B. Lan; N. Nakai; Y. Ohira
    27th Annual International Gravitational Physiology Meeting, 2006
  • Studies on interactions between copper(I) oxide and granite in dry steam near water critical point               
    Y. Jin; I. R. Korablova; Y. Oke; N. Yamasaki
    Joint Meeting of 8th International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th International Conference on Solvothermal Reactions, 2006
  • The application of hydrothermal reaction to utilization of fishery wastes               
    Y. Hashimoto; Y. Oke; K. Yokosawa; T. Hayakawa; N. Yamasaki
    Joint Meeting of 8th International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th International Conference on Solvothermal Reactions, 2006
  • Formation of functional materials from oyster shell wastes through nanoscale proteins activating hydrothermal hot pressing               
    I. R. Korablova; N. Yamasaki; D. Korablov; A. Kopan; Y. Oke; A. Stepanchuk; E. H. Ishida; S. Korablov
    International Conference Functional Materials 2005, 2006
  • ゼロエミッション型発電所の構築について ~250℃未満の廃蒸気の有効活用~               
    山崎仲道; 尾家慶彦
    学術振興会蒸気性質第139委員会, 2006, [Invited]
  • Formation of Peptide Bond under Diagenetic Environment simulated by Hydrothermal Hot-pressing               
    S. Kono; ○Y. Oke; N. Yamasaki
    Joint Meeting of 8th International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th International Conference on Solvothermal Reactions, 2006
  • 水熱ソフトプロセス法による未利用スギ材から有価物質の抽出と応用               
    李志霞; 林宏飛; 尾家慶彦; 白鳥寿一; 山崎仲道
    第16回廃棄物学会研究発表会, 2005
  • Formation of aluminum silicate film on steel in granite-copper-dry steam reaction system               
    Y. Jin; I. R. Korablova; ○Y. Oke; N. Yamasaki
    European Materials Research Society 2005 Fall Meeting, 2005
  • Effects of deafferentation on translational activity in rat soleus muscle               
    F. Kawano; Y. Matsuoka; Y. Oke; Y. Higo; M. Terada; S. Umemoto; N. Kawabe; X. D. Wang; Y. Shinoda; Y. B. Lan; H. Fukuda; S. Ohmi; Y. Ohira
    10th International Congress of the World Muscle Society, 2005
  • Role of afferent input and mechanical load for size regulation of rat soleus muscle               
    F. Kawano; Y. Matsuoka; Y. Oke; Y. Higo; M. Terada; S. Umemoto; N. Kawabe; X. D. Wang; Y. Shinoda; Y. B. Lan; H. Fukuda; S. Ohmi; Y. Ohira
    The 9th European Symposium on Life Sciences Research in Space / 26th Annual International Gravitational Physiology Meeting, 2005
  • How does the nucleolar number involve in muscle fiber atrophy? Response to Beta-guanidinopropionic acid supplementation               
    Y. Matsuoka; F. Kawano; Y. Oke; Y. Higo; M. Terada; S. Umemoto; N. Kawabe; X. D. Wang; Y. Shinoda; Y. B. Lan; H. Fukuda; S. Ohmi; Y. Ohira
    The 9th European Symposium on Life Sciences Research in Space / 26th Annual International Gravitational Physiology Meeting, 2005
  • Role of RanGTP and RanGDP in the fusion of two distinct vesicles during nuclear envelope assembly in Xenopus egg extracts               
    Y. Oke; A. Inoue
    第76回日本生化学会, 2003
  • 核膜形成時における膜融合反応の分子的機構               
    尾家慶彦; 井上明男
    第55回日本細胞生物学会, 2002
  • アフリカツメガエル卵上清中における核膜形成の機構               
    尾家慶彦; 井上明男
    第75回日本生化学会, 2002
  • 核膜形成の分子機構               
    尾家慶彦; 井上明男
    第73回日本生化学会, 2000
  • 軽膜小胞特異的な抗体を用いた核膜形成機構の解析               
    尾家慶彦; 井上明男
    第53回日本細胞生物学会, 2000
  • 核膜形成の機構               
    尾家慶彦; 井上明男
    第72回日本生化学会, 1999
  • Elementary steps for the assembly of nuclear envelope in Xenopus egg extract               
    Y. Oke; A. Inoue
    The American Society for Cell Biology 39th Annual Meeting, 1999
  • アフリカツメガエル卵抽出液中の核膜形成反応モデル               
    尾家慶彦; 井上明男
    第52回日本細胞生物学会, 1999


  • 2019 - Present
  • 2017 - Present
  • Physiology (Homeostasis)               
    2014 - Present
    Hyogo College of Medicine
  • 2013 - Present
  • 2012 - Present
  • 2012 - Present
  • 2016 - 2016
  • 2008 - 2010
  • 2008 - 2010
  • 2008 - 2010

Affiliated academic society

  • Oct. 2021 - Present
    Japan Society of Neurovegetative Research
  • Apr. 2017 - Present
    Society for Neuroscience
  • Jan. 2015 - Present
  • Sep. 2014 - Present
  • May 2010 - Present
  • Sep. 2009 - Apr. 2013
  • Jun. 2007 - Dec. 2010
    The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan
  • May 2009 - Sep. 2010
    Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
  • 1999 - Dec. 2003
    The Japanese Biochemical Society
  • 1999 - Dec. 2002
    Japan Society for Cell Biology

Research Themes

Industrial Property Rights

  • 特許6049889, 特願2015-534021, Swallowing estimation device, information terminal device, and program
    OKU Yoshitaka, OKE Yoshihiko
  • 特開2009-156853, 特願2007-341930, アスベストの染色判別方法
    山崎仲道, 前田直己, 尾家慶彦
  • 特開2008-209392, 特願2007-183515, アスベストの着色判別法及びアスベストの含有率測定方法
    尾家慶彦, 橋田俊之, 前田直己

Social Contribution Activities

  • 非常勤講師(解剖生理学)              
    宝塚市立看護専門学校, 2017 - Present
  • 片麻痺患者のQOL向上を目標とした日常生活への運動導入のための運動補助活動              
    Feb. 2011 - Present
  • 「建材廃棄物の処理について」の指導              
    財団法人仙台市産業振興事業団・仙台市中小企業支援センター, 新成長産業・創業支援事業 産学マッチング支援事業, 04 Apr. 2007 - 09 May 2007

Media Coverage

  • ドイツ語放送:アスベスト簡易探知技術           
    NHK国際放送 ラジオ日本, ドイツ語放送:アスベスト簡易探知技術, 27 Feb. 2007, Media report
  • テレビ特集:アスベスト簡易探知技術の開発           
    NHK, てれまさむね 特集, 26 Feb. 2007, Media report
  • Web特集「新技術:石綿の有無を現場で判定、東北大学のグループが試薬を開発」           
    日経アーキテクチュア, 13 Feb. 2007, Internet
  • 新聞掲載「染色によるアスベスト簡易判別技術の開発」「石綿の有無 染料で判別」           
    読売新聞、河北新報、日経産業新聞, 09 Feb. 2007, Paper
  • ネットニュース「東北大学、簡易・迅速にアスベストの有無を探知可能なオンサイト技術を開発」           
    NIKKEI NET, 07 Feb. 2007, Internet